Today the students working on this project have assembled and configured their sensors independently. They also tested other types of containers made of local materials.
The new container type indeed was waterproofThe students working together to get the configuration of their sensor right.
Today we finally managed to attach the module system to our sensor, unfortunately we did not arrive to make it reliable enough to attach it to the operational system.
The first succesfull messages sent by the sensor
We ended the day by recollecting the second testtype we deposited at the port yesterday.
Today we prepared the composition of a different type of sensor containing a GSM system in stead of a GPS. We collected the thermometer we left at the port yesterday, the thermometer was still switched on, a promising sign. On monday we will retrieve and analyse the data inside.
Reporter: Médard Honfo
Pictures: Katrijn Baetens
In order to reach the goal of today (composing a new sensor) different chores had to be executed:
Buying SIM cards
Buying SIM cards with a good formula, not so easy as it seems
We discussed several options for new thermometer containers and went of to the market in search of the ultimate box.
Making sure the boxes are suitable for our sensor system
Trying to find battery chargers.
Négotiations at the market for finding good chargers
Collecting the thermometer at the port of Cotonou, the light was still on, so at least the batteries were still working. After the weekend we will analyze and evaluate what we have done so far. We keep you posted.
After 24 hours the thermometer was still switched on