Public consultation: Applications for an environmental permit for sand- and gravel extraction

Agentschap voor Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust, afdeling Kust, van C.B.R. Cementbedrijven nv – Afdeling SAGREX en De Hoop Bouwgrondstoffen bv c.o. SATIC nv have applied for the prolongation and/or extension of their concession for sand and gravel extraction in the Belgian part of the North Sea. These applications are subject to an environmental impact assessment procedure.

Sand and gravel from the North Sea is sorted by grain size. © RBINS/K. Moreau

The applications and the environmental impact assessment report, including a design of appropriate assessment, can be downloaded below (in Dutch). Objections received shall be added after the public consultation.


Afdeling Kust_begeleidend schrijven_20201207_br_FOD Economie_aanvraag concessie

Afdeling Kust_formulier-aanvraag-concessie

CBR Sagrex – aanvraagformulier

De Hoop – aanvraagformulier

Dieptekaart-concessieaanvraag 2021-2031_definitief plan

Environmental impact assessment report

2020-BE0119000341_MER Zandwinning_v7.0_Finaal_20201112_incl Bijlagen

NTS EN_BE0119000341_MER Zandwinning_20201112

NTS NL_BE0119000341_MER Zandwinning_20201112

Results of the consultation (all in Dutch)




The public consultation runs from January, 29th until February, 27th 2021.

Any interested party can submit its views, comments and objections to Ms. Brigitte Lauwaert by letter or email until March, 14th 2021.

MUMM Attn. Ms. Brigitte Lauwaert
Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussels