Development of a Methodology to Acquire a Spatiotemporal Series of Physicochemical Parameters of the Coastal Marine Environment of Benin

IRHOB and RBINS developed a first prototype of an arduino based temperature  sensor that is waterproof. This is done in the framework of a CEBioS/BBI project. The cost of this model was 56 euro, which is 16 euro more than initially expected, this was mainly because of the inclusion of an expensive GPS module of 18 euro. The next step is to investigate where future  budget cuts can be made. It is difficult to compare the price of our prototype with market prices as a gps and storage of data on an SD card is included in this model. The coming weeks the prototype will be improved and tested in the field, we will keep you posted.

The overall objective of this Project is to foster long-term cooperation between IRHOB, the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) in Benin, and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) on the development of a methodology to acquire reliable scientific data for rational management and the conservation of aquatic resources in Benin, using sound scientific, technical, and socioeconomic advice. BBI funding enables cooperation in manufacturing Arduino sensors in order to measure physicochemical water quality parameters, such as temperature, salinity, acidity and dissolved oxygen, of the marine and lacustrine environment around Cotonou in Benin. This data collection will constitute the first step towards constructing habitat suitability maps.

The project is mainly sponsored by the Bio-Bridge initiative and co-sponsored by the CEBioS programme of RBINS.

The concept of the methodology is explained in this short movie:

First prototype of an arduino based temperature that is waterproof. Cost of this model is 56 euro.

Text and pictures: Katrijn Baetens, Zacharie Sohou